Have you ever been captivated by local lawyer commercials while watching TV? Those over the top spectacles with antics of all kinds designed to catch your attention on local television? Hold on, friend click to read more. This is a trip like none other.
Imagine this scenario: You’re lying on your couch with a snack in your hand when you hear the familiar sound of an attorney advertisement. It’s comforting in its predictability and delightful in its oddness. As you watch in bewilderment, lawyers are transformed into super heroes, complete with capes made of cheap material and heroic poses. Who knew? Batman is a lawyer by day and a Batman at night. It’s just another Tuesday.
John Smith, Esq. stares straight at your soul, with so much intensity, you would think that he were auditioning for a courtroom drama. The commercial begins with a car accident. He emerges from the ash, proclaiming victory over inefficient insurance policies and a complex world. Dramatic flair at its best. Oscars, anyone?
Let’s also not forget about the taglines. Pure gold. Consider, for instance, the phrase “I am the bulldog that you need to be in your corner,” which is said with the same machismo and fierceness as a wrestler entering a ring. You might also hear “Your injury, our passion” which makes you wonder how enthusiastic a team of lawyers can be about minor injuries and car accidents.
Another law firm seems to have made a fine art of guaranteeing that they will call you back. They promise to answer no matter what, where, or when you call. In one commercial, an attorney is yanked from a yoga session, echoing the phrase “you call, we respond.”
Production styles are different, which adds to the chaos. Others use the ‘talking-head’ style, where lawyers stand in front of towering bookshelves. Some use CGI to have attorneys drop from helicopters and save you from the personal injury shenanigans. It’s like riding a rollercoaster watching them. You can be on a beautiful climb and then suddenly find yourself falling headfirst down into an image of car wrecks.
There are also heartwarming testimonials from happy clients. Sweet little testimonials. A young woman jokes: “I’ve never seen justice look this sharp.” She is referring to her attorney, who dismissed the case. She expresses her gratitude with some awe as if she were talking to a super-hero, rather than the town attorney named Bob. These moments add a touch of reality to the usual theatrics.
Some people stick with tradition. It’s all about business. To seal the deal, they use a professional voice, serious faces and a solid desk. Every sentence in their ads is a commitment. This steadfastness in their commercials seems to be a solid approach, even though it is a little dry when compared with the more extravagant counterparts who swoop into action on helicopters.
These local attorney advertisements are like watching an unpredictable television series. Each episode is full of new characters and zany plots. You will laugh out loud at the hilarious moments. You never know where the ride will take you.
Grab some popcorn next time you see a commercial for a local lawyer and watch the show. Even with flashy tags and legal jargon, it could be one of the more entertaining parts of your day. Who doesn’t like to see a lawyer saving the world, one car accident at a time.